
WI-FI networks in bank branches throughout Ukraine

VERNA has decades of experience in designing and implementing Wi-Fi networks in bank branches throughout Ukraine.

To ensure high-quality and uninterrupted operation, reduce the risks of unauthorized access and costs in bank branches, radio planing and radio reconnaissance are used when building or modernizing a Wi-Fi network.

During radio frequency planning, a software simulation of the future network is carried out.

A set of measures is carried out to select the optimal configuration of the wireless network, analyze the propagation of radio waves in the network coverage area, select the Wi-Fi range and the optimal places for installing access points and communication equipment, and test configuration of equipment is performed.

The theoretical scheme that we obtain when radio planing the wireless coverage of the Wi-Fi network is tested in practice, performing radio reconnaissance, which aims to develop a wireless network project that provides a quality service for a given number of customers.

Correctly conducted radio planing affects the choice of network configuration and its final cost.

To expand the coverage area and prepare the network for new tasks in the customer's existing wireless network, radio reconnaissance is carried out — a set of measures to analyze the operation of the existing network. Radio reconnaissance helps to understand where the weak point is, how the signal spreads, where the equipment is mounted. In addition, radio intelligence and radio planing are important steps in ensuring the bank's cybersecurity.

During radio reconnaissance, we can detect unnecessary wireless networks that can be a potential source of threat to bank security. Radio planing allows you to limit the area of network coverage as much as possible and reduce the risk of unauthorized access to information transmitted over wireless channels.

Therefore, radio reconnaissance and radio planing are important steps in the construction and modernization of the bank's Wi-Fi network. These processes help to ensure optimal network configuration, quality customer service and reduce the risks of unauthorized access to information. The application of radio reconnaissance and radio planing is necessary to improve the efficiency and safety of the bank's operation.

We work with the equipment of world vendors

Our Wi-Fi network implementations

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