
Design and Construction of Dispatch Weighing in Metallurgy

The project we are considering is an important step in the development of modern technologies in the field of weight control at railway weighing enterprises. The implementation of this project opens up new opportunities for the company to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of weighing operations. In this project description, we will examine in detail its components, benefits for the customer and the ways in which it contributes to the improvement of the workflow at weighing enterprises.

Objective of the project

Development of a fault-resistant complex of software and hardware to ensure the possibility of centralized remote weighing at railway weighing enterprises.

• control over the movement of goods, raw materials and materials at the enterprise in the “online” mode

• minimizing the influence of the human factor on the weighing results

System nodes

Structured cable system and power grid

For the central dispatcher weight control, a local computing network, a structured cabling system, as well as a 220 V network was designed and built, which provides power to the workplaces of dispatchers and the supervisor.

Video signals are switched from the dispatchers' workplaces to the central and auxiliary video walls using a 16x16 matrix switch (4 inputs for dispatchers, 4 inputs for scalers, 8 - reserve for future expansion). The matrix switch can be controlled using a remote control.

To provide centralized weighing, we have provided for the construction of a local computing network.

Monitoring and surveillance

To display information about weighing online in the automated workplace of dispatchers, a central “video wall” consisting of four 46” (2x2) monitors is installed. It is possible to output to the video wall both images from four different monitors, and one image to the entire matrix using a scaler.

There are also two auxiliary video walls - one 46” monitor on each side.

Video surveillance and video analytics

For the possibility of viewing the car number, the contents of the car, the position of the wagon on the scales, VERNA has developed and implemented video surveillance of weighing enterprises.

For identification and monitoring, we have equipped weighing systems with automated recognition of car numbers using video analytics.

Server equipment

Servers in this project play an important role in ensuring the reliability, speed and functionality of weight control at railway weighing enterprises. They were used to centrally store all data related to weight control, including information on weighed loads, wagons and other important data. Data processing is provided, including video analytics, wagon identification and weighing workflow. Servers provide access to data and functions for the workplaces of dispatchers and other employees involved in weight control and monitoring.

The central control control center and the implemented server equipment are designed taking into account the possibility of connecting the existing 57 weighing enterprises and have the ability to scale with the expansion of the weighing scale.

Backup Power

To ensure the stability of the network infrastructure on power, UPS equipped with network monitoring cards with the necessary number of licenses to connect them to the existing monitoring system are provided.

In the event of a power loss, the operation of the Central Control and Dispatchers switch is maintained by a central uninterruptible power supply for at least 120 minutes.


We have equipped the weighing system with a fire alarm system with the possibility of connecting them to a central observation point.

A security alarm system with the use of door opening sensors and indoor motion sensors, as well as a system for remote control of lighting on LED lamps has been introduced in the weights.


Our specialists have implemented IP-telephony for dispatchers with the possibility of an external loudspeaker.

The central weight control dispatcher has been incorporated into the enterprise's corporate network through a new switch with PoE enabled gigabit subscriber ports to connect IP phones of personnel. The workplaces of dispatchers and shift supervisor were equipped with IP phones and sets of headphones.

For the prompt dialing of remote objects for dispatchers and the shift supervisor, quick call panels are provided.

Additional hardware and software

Within the framework of the project, the auxiliary software of dispatchers was developed, which implements the possibility of remote control of lighting, notifies dispatchers and the shift supervisor about alarms, provides the ability for dispatchers to remotely provide access to the train builder to the gate with printed documentation - remotely open the gate control and control its closure.

The weighers were equipped with a system for printing hanging documents.

The control room was equipped with the jobs of dispatchers - two on-call and two reserve analysts, and the shift supervisor's workplace in a separate office. The workplaces of dispatchers and shift supervisors are equipped with personal computers with specialized video cards and monitors. Each manager has the ability to output an image to the video wall.

For the jobs of dispatchers and shift supervisor, furniture is also provided: cabinets for documentation, tables with control panels, cabinets, shelves, a director's desk and chairs.

Project documentation

The customer received a set of necessary configuration and operational documentation

• Developed a complete set of design and operational documentation

• Sketch and working project, specification

Service and service

After the implementation of the project, we conducted training and transferred to the customer's specialists the experience, knowledge and best practices necessary for daily support and development of the Complex, specialists of our service department provided intensive support to the customer in the post-start period.

Project results

Designed, implemented, tested and put into industrial operation Complex, which meets the requirements of our customer, with a system for displaying visual information of the central dispatcher weight control as part of automated workplaces, video wall for display, voice communication system with weight.

1. Improving the effectiveness of weight control.

Thanks to the introduction of a stable complex of software and hardware with the possibility of centralized remote weighing, the customer got the opportunity to control the movement of goods, raw materials and materials at the enterprise in the “online” mode. This allows you to increase the accuracy and speed of weighing, minimize the impact of the human factor and ensure more efficient use of resources.

2. Improving security and reliability

The introduction of fire alarm system, security alarm and remote lighting control system contributed to the improvement of safety at the enterprise. This helps to avoid emergencies and ensure the reliable operation of weighing enterprises.

3. Increasing employee productivity

The installation of modern equipment and infrastructure also increased the comfort and productivity of the workplaces of dispatchers and employees of the enterprise. Providing staff with the necessary tools to work and learn reduced the possibility of errors and increased productivity.

4. Monitoring and reporting

The system includes monitoring and video analytics capabilities, allowing you to track car numbers, wagon contents and position on scales. This helps in maintaining detailed reporting and control over weight operations.

5. Scalability and readiness to expand

The implemented system is designed to be able to connect up to 57 weight units, which ensures readiness to expand activities in the future and increase service volumes.

6. Reduce costs and improve service efficiency
The implementation of the project also allowed the customer to reduce maintenance costs by automating many processes and increasing the reliability of the system.

The implementation of the project also allowed the customer to reduce maintenance costs by automating many processes and increasing the reliability of the system. Overall, the implementation of this project has brought the customer improvements in a number of key aspects of its operations, providing more accurate and efficient weight control and improving overall productivity.

Used hardware and software

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