
Workshop “Integrated Solutions for Smart City” for students of technical universities


21 May 2024

VERNA together with IT Cluster Kharkiv held a workshop “Integrated Solutions for Smart City” within the framework of the Open IT program for students of technical universities.

VERNA CTO Oleksandr Slykov spoke about the development of Smart City from the creation of basic IT infrastructure to security and monitoring systems.

Considered the role of the LoRaWAN network in building data collection stations, as well as a platform for collecting and managing IoT devices.

We talked about the principles and possibilities of using neurovideo analytics in Smart City, shared their own experience in the implementation of various video analytics systems.

Oleksandr presented to students of technical universities and teachers practical cases of using Smart City technologies implemented by VERNA, in particular the system for monitoring and preventing leaks of urban heat networks using IoT technology.

The workshop also talked about traffic management and intelligent transport systems, considered important aspects of Smart City development.

Particular attention was paid to the need for environmental monitoring with Internet of Things technology, demonstrated how innovative solutions contribute to the creation of a modern smart city and offered a comprehensive view on the use of advanced technologies to create the future Smart City.

Open IT is a series of free training workshops on the most popular stacks in IT for students of technical majors.



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