In the context of quarantine restrictions, it is important for companies to observe safety measures and monitor the admission of employees with elevated temperatures or those who do not comply with the mask regime. To solve this problem, the modernization of the access control and control system (SCUD) with the biometric control functionality implemented by us for one of the customers will help solve this problem.
A turnstile with a regular access card reader was installed at the entrance to the office. We have made the replacement of the reader with a “smart” access control terminal with contactless temperature measurement, face recognition and fingerprint scanner, as well as an alert function in the absence of a protective mask. Face recognition occurs in real time using a dual camera. Het.
Measurement of temperature with an error of about +/-0.3°C makes it possible to detect sick employees at the entrance and thus prevent outbreaks of diseases within the team in a timely manner.
Por a o sistema de controlo de acceso avanzado, es posible para abandonar o uso de cartes pasaporte a completamente a biometricos - identificación de fículo y fingerprística, que también significa aumentar o efficiencia de accountancia de horas de trabajo de employees'. Het terminal met biometriek toegangsbeheid is een multifunctioneel oplossing met meer accurateerde leidingen en lowerkosten, vergelijken aan termalimagingkamere.
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