
Construction of an automated information system for control, accounting and movement of agricultural products on elevators

LDC, The Louis Dreyfus Company

VERNA has built an automated information system for control, accounting and movement of agricultural products for the global purchaser and processor of agricultural products.

We have implemented and integrated together a number of systems needed to automate control and remote control performance monitoring.

Our customer had the task of identifying, tracing and accounting of agricultural products entering the elevator.

One of the requirements is the formation of an original immutable database, the information of which will be used by all divisions of the elevator and the company for accounting and reporting.

We have implemented new elements of product quality and quantity control and improved those that worked before.

System nodes:

Automation of control and control of the movement of vehicles

The weighing and selection of agricultural products for quality control in the laboratory is carried out by special equipment and software without the participation of people. The driver does not leave the car at the stages of weighing, material collection during quality inspection and unloading of agricultural products.

The operator gives access to unloading after receiving positive laboratory test results, checking all information about the product, number of the unloader, its operability and serviceability.

RFID tags are placed on the windshield of all cars entering the elevator territory, and RFID readers have been installed along the route of the cars on the territory of the enterprise.

The number of the car is indicated on the scoreboard in front of the unloader, the driver receives a message with the serial number, and the RFID reader recognizes the tag from the windshield of the car, so that there is no mixing of different agricultural crops.

Traffic on the territory of the enterprise is regulated by barriers, traffic lights, information boards, RFID tag readers, loudspeaker communication systems, sensors for fixing the position of vehicles on scales and a sampler, which together with video surveillance form a complete system.

• Access control and management

SCUD with facial recognition and breathalyzer monitor personnel, drivers and visitors of the enterprise, laboratories, administrative and elevator buildings. VERNA engineers organized and divided the access levels of staff and visitors to different elevator facilities.

Our specialists provided emergency opening of doors and turnstiles of evacuation routes in the access control system on the elevator in case of fire.

• Technological and security video surveillance

The VERNA project department has developed and implemented a video control system and photo-fixation of automobile and railway scales, laboratory equipment areas, auto unloading and autoloading zones, laboratory premises, registration and granaries. Videos are stored on a secure server. The system has the ability to connect and view remotely. A video surveillance post with several monitors is organized for the security service employee.

We have equipped the video surveillance system with video analytics to recognize and fix car and railway numbers at all technological stages. The system carries out video control of the position of each car and railway carriage on the scales and fixes all numbers during weighing. It has the ability to remotely monitor and monitor.

• Telemetry, electricity and gas accounting

To wirelessly take readings from electricity metering sensors on the elevator, we used LoRaWAN technology. We have implemented technological accounting of electricity and fuel for each of the elevator facilities. The system performs automated collection and consolidation of measurement results, compiles reports.

• Network and server infrastructure

We have prepared and implemented a project to expand and build new network infrastructure nodes for automatic transport control, access control, video surveillance and dispatching communication systems. The low-light cable system of the facility is built on the basis of fiber optic and copper SCS. We organized coverage of the elevator area with a wireless WiFi network. Installed storm protection systems.

On the central server, VERNA IT specialists configured the VMware ESXi hypervisor, installed and configured RAID to increase the reliability of data storage. The server installed software that manages the hardware part of the implemented project.

Advantages of the implementation of the project

The system implemented by VERNA on the elevator streamlined the processes and technological operations related to the entry and exit of cars and rail transport transporting and unloading agricultural products.

We managed to minimize the negative impact of the human factor on production processes and eliminate cases of theft and abuse in the enterprise. Automation of processes made it possible to reduce the number of personnel.

The system provided a high level of control over weighting subsystems, increased the efficiency of asset management, structured the collection and accumulation of analytical data.

In the project we used equipment

About the customer

LDC, The Louis Dreyfus Company— world purchaser and processor of agricultural products. LDC is engaged in the supply of agricultural products and the processing of cereals into finished products.

The company has a rich heritage and is committed to realizing its vision of a safe and sustainable future by contributing to the global effort to provide food for the world's population, whose numbers are constantly growing. The production of LDC is conscientious and environmentally sound.

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