For 4 years VERNA has been carrying out a full range of works on the design, installation and commissioning of UNISON Bank's territorially distributed intelligent IP-video surveillance system.
To create a modern, functional and highly efficient video control and security system in PJSC “BANK “UNISON”.
•visual control of the movement of funds and settlement and cash transactions
•control of the movement of employees and visitors on the territory of the facility
•prevention and investigation of illegal acts and thefts
• monitoring compliance by employees with the rules and instructions of the enterprise
•Verification of the authenticity of alarm messages from other security systems
•self-diagnosis and monitoring of the technical condition of the video surveillance system (cameras, software, communication lines, etc.), automated alert.
When choosing a technical solution, VERNA specialists analyzed all the features of the tasks and the experience of implementing such systems in Ukraine. A professional and functional video surveillance system was chosen as the hardware-software complex, which has proven itself as a reliable and effective tool for ensuring security 24 hours a day.
Now all branches of the Bank are equipped with a modern video surveillance system, hundreds of IP video cameras are installed.
The advantages of the implementation of an intelligent IP video surveillance system are: high image quality, functionality, ease of integration and operation, easy scalability, advanced video analysis algorithms. The selected software and equipment fully satisfies all the Bank's security needs and allows you to get more opportunities compared to most existing video surveillance systems on the market.
PJSC “UNISON” - a universal bank on the Ukrainian market, created by two European investment funds in 2013.
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