
Implementation of facial recognition system using video analytics

To increase the level of security and reduce losses from theft, the supermarket needs to upgrade the video surveillance system with the addition of video analytics of automatic face recognition and instant alert of the security service.


The main requirements for the solution

Provide facial recognition capabilities to prevent repeated embezzlement by detected offenders;

Ensure instant notification of the security service in case of finding violators.

Advantages of the software used

• the ability to fill the database of persons in real time;

• no restrictions on the size of the database of recognized persons;

• the possibility of dividing the base of persons by lists (for example, employees/VIP-visitors/fraudsters, etc.);

• function of automatic recognition based on the faces of visitors;

• instant notification of the security service about the visitor from the list (mailing in telegram to email, sound notification of the operator, etc.) ;

• automatic recognition of the gender and age of visitors.

ReChallenges and benefits from the implementation of the project

• Invested investments paid off within 6 months and brought a threefold profit.

• Theft prevention and returns from theft.

• Optimization of the staff of the security service and the exclusion of the human factor.

• Maintaining a database of violators and reimbursement of costs for past thefts.

• Instant notification of the arrival of the violator — prevention of theft.

• The customer decided to implement a face recognition system for the entire supermarket network.

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