
Implementation of server infrastructure virtualization solution

NASSK Oranta

Objectives of the project

One of the priority tasks of NSC “Oranta” to ensure business continuity and manageability was the introduction of a corporate insurance information system. For its functioning, an IT infrastructure was needed that would meet both the current needs of the company and its development plans.

One of the stages of modernization of the IT infrastructure of NASSC “Oranta” was the replacement of server equipment, which served a large number of non-critical tasks for business. Before the start of the project, a large number of servers were used in the customer's IT infrastructure that did not meet the requirements of reliability and did not meet the level of development of the information system.

The solution was to replace existing servers with fewer modern and more productive systems using virtualization technology for the most efficient use of hardware resources.

Special requirements for the solution

The main requirement of the customer was to ensure the rapid response of the IT service to the changing needs of the business. In particular, it was necessary to ensure that new business applications could be deployed as quickly as possible and their compatibility with existing software and hardware. The following special requirements were also specified:

• Stable operation of the information system in the conditions of large-scale and territorially distributed structure of the company.

• Replacing a large fleet of servers with a small number of new devices that take up little space.

• Shortened time for the selection and implementation of the solution.

• Reduce the cost of maintaining IT infrastructure.

Description of the solution

For the implementation of the tasks, a work plan for the virtualization of system resources, proposed by VERNA based on customer requirements, was selected and approved. The project decision takes into account the features of the information system of NASA “Oranta”.

Instead of the 30 previously used servers, five new IBM X3650 servers were installed. IBM servers deployed a virtual infrastructure with the required number of VMware Enterprise Infrastructure virtual servers.

The solution was implemented within six months by VERNA certified specialists for IBM and VMware products. In addition to the installation and configuration of the hardware and software complex, the customer's IT service specialists were instructed, after which the installed complex was put into operation.

Features of the solution

Full compatibility of IBM and VMware products was ensured during the design phase of the solution and during the integrated supply of all required components.

Results and benefits of project implementation

The main business advantage that the customer received as a result of the implementation of the project is the simple and prompt implementation of change and development plans.
Server solutions based on virtualization allow the IT service of NASSC “Oranta” to quickly respond to business requirements, significantly reducing the time of work and the cost of implementing new applications.

Increased reliability and flexibility of the IT environment reduces risks. In case of equipment failure, virtual servers are migrated from one physical server to another.
Increased stability of the system is achieved due to the flexible dynamic adjustment of the working load of the equipment. Virtual servers are provided with the necessary resources depending on their needs at each moment of time.

As a result of the implementation, significant savings have been achieved. Reduced costs for administration and maintenance of equipment, rent of premises and payment of electricity.

Customer feedback on this project

VERNA's project was reviewed and accepted for implementation.
Evaluating the order of work and the results of the two stages, I can say that we were not mistaken with the choice of the integrator.
The regulation of joint actions was developed and executed qualitatively, the work was carried out according to plan, there were no difficulties in the implementation of the project.
The solution, based on IBM servers and storage, as well as VMware software, meets the requirements of the specification.

Oleksandr Belavin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NASC “Oranta”

Used equipment and software of partners

About the customer

NASA “Oranta” is one of the leaders in the insurance market. According to the company, the share of NSC “Oranta” in the market of classical insurance services in terms of insurance premiums is more than 12%. The company implements a strategy to increase its market share in the segment of classic types of insurance, constantly expands the line of insurance products and improves the quality of customer service.

The company operates in all regions of Ukraine and has the largest branch network in the country, consisting of 670 units. NSC “Oranta” forms an international insurance holding and actively works to attract investments.

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