Modernization of the local network: building a modular network according to the principle of separation at the CORE, Distribution, Access levels.
In 2014, VERNA conducted an analysis of the network infrastructure of Interpipe. According to the results of the analysis, the VERNA engineering team recommended to the customer to structure the network topology, to select separately logical levels CORE, Server-Farm, and Access. The implementation of the project for the modernization of the network and the installation of equipment is designed for two years.
As part of the project, the network topology structure was implemented on CiscoCatalyst3750-X series, Cisco Catalyst 2960-X, Cisco 3850 series equipment:
• This topology allows you to get rid of the “cascading connections” that were previously present on the network. Scaling is organized through the connection of Access level switches to the Core level.
• The use of the RSTP protocol made it possible to monitor network “loops”, which sometimes caused network failures when the switches were connected in a cascade.
• The use of Cisco 2960-X, 3750-X, 3850-X series switches allows you to further implement 802.1X technology to monitor all network connections, as well as to conduct an “inventory” of all connected devices (end-points).
This project made it possible to significantly increase the reliability and scalability of the company's network infrastructure, ensuring stable and efficient operation in conditions of high loads and rapid changes in the technological environment.
“Interpipe”— a global manufacturer of steel pipes. The vertically integrated company is engaged in the production of steel pipes and railway products, using its own steel production.
Interpipe is among the TOP 10 largest exporters of seamless steel pipes in the world. In 2022, the company produced and sold approx. 400 ct steel pipes for customers from 80 different countries.
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