
Preventing cash violations in the Megamarket network with the help of a video analytics system

To improve the quality of customer service, customer loyalty and trust in the retail network, Verna specialists have implemented a system of automatic cash control for Megamarket. This system is a convenient and functional tool to prevent theft and resolve disputes. Its use significantly increases the level of security in the trading room of the Megamarket network.


About the system

The system is arranged as follows: a video camera is installed above each of the cash registers of a store or outlet. Next, the server of the video surveillance system records information from the video camera directed to the cash node and records transactions from the cash terminal, and the software installed on the server helps to detect and analyze violations.

This video analytics system helps the administration of the Megamarket network solve a number of other internal security problems, including:
• prompt and objective resolution of conflicts with buyers;
• reducing the time for searching and analyzing video data in the archive;
• creating a psychological barrier for potential fraudsters;
• minimizing losses caused by the shortcomings of cashiers and trading room operators;
• in case of employee offenses - evidence of guilt.
Intelligent module of automatic control of cash and banking operations, weighing and counting machines is a highly effective tool for automatic and manual detection and prevention of personnel fraud facts in real time and offline.

The module records the number of punched checks. The administrator and analysts receive an automatically calculated conversion of sales, the ratio of the number of checks punched at all cash registers to the exact number of visitors. If visitors at the outlet have increased, and the number of checks has not changed, pay attention to the search for reasons.

The system allows you to instantly go to the video archive and see what really happened at the cash desk at the moment that needs to be analyzed, for example, when detecting a suspicious event or daily performing the task of monitoring all events of a certain type. This possibility is implemented using the internal tools of the system - “incidents”, “filters”, “reports”.


Incident — an event that is automatically generated by the system according to certain rules. The module has a set of installed incidents that can be further customized according to the requirements of a particular business. For example, imitation of scanning a product, intentionally giving an unfair discount, exceeding service time, late opening or early closing of the cash register, exceeding the service time.

Violations— Confirmed incident. Can be assigned manually when viewing any report. The main advantage of automatic incident generation is the inability to start a conspiracy with a cash analyst. In any case, the incident will be generated and it will be necessary to make an informed decision about it.

Reportscan be grouped by cashiers or cashiers.

Variants of reports of the first 2 groups:
• List of operations. We control the cancellation of checks, returns, cancellation of goods in the check, etc.
• Merchandise. Allows you to identify abnormal sales of any product.
• By the amounts of checks. Depends on the specifics of the retail operation. For example, we can select checks over 1000 UAH and evaluate the correctness of the cashier's work. On a large check, it is easier to count the client. At the same time, in a large supermarket, a purchase for 5 UAH can cause suspicion. This can be a reason for the cashier to open a cash box to withdraw excess cash.
• By the duration of checks. Additional parameters can specify the number of goods in the check and the amount of the check. This report can be used, for example, to find “long pending” checks, in which cashiers can then make some changes before closing, as well as to assess cashiers' KPIs - how quickly they serve customers.
• Discount cards. The main task is to find too frequent use of certain cards.
• Statistics on cashiers and goods. These reports on checkout downtime, number of cancellations, and returns are mainly used to estimate KPIs.

In the work of the analyst, the time of the analysis of the incident and the number of analyzed incidents are recorded. If there are not enough reports and established incidents in the system, filters can be used that allow you to select the required data set: individual operations or checks entirely that meet certain conditions.

Built-in tools for writing rules and scripts allow in the future, if necessary, to significantly expand the functionality and adapt the module to new tasks: modifying the behavior and reaction of the system, integrating new devices, adding special functions.

About the customer

“Megamarket”- one of the leading metropolitan supermarket chains. The Megamarket trading network has been successfully operating and developing in Kyiv and abroad since the beginning of the 2000s. “Megamarket” offers a wide range of different product categories, which includes more than 75,000 items of quality food and beverages, household goods, books and toys for children, stationery, clothing and footwear, pet goods, picnic and recreation products, sports goods, household appliances, garden tools and much more. The goods presented in the “Megamarket” are made by both domestic and imported well-known manufacturers.

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