
Reconstruction of SCS and SES (power supply system) in the banking sector


Objectives of the project

To carry out design and installation work in the building of the bank's head office to create a structured cabling system (SCS) of the building and the power supply system (SES) of the server room — as soon as possible.

The Solution

The project of construction of SCS was carried out simultaneously on 3 floors of the building, which included the following works:

• Dismantling of more than 300 ports of the previous SCS.

• Installation of structured cable system is made on components of the world leader in SCS solutions — Molex.

• A total of 576 information ports were installed and 26,000 m of cable laid.

• Cables from information ports installed on three floors are laid to the server room and fed into APC NetShelter SX AR3100 telecommunication cabinets.

• Information sockets are installed in decorative plastic boxes 100x50 mm of the English manufacturer Marshall Tafflex.

• Complex marking and placement of ports in cabinets in accordance with the wishes of the Customer has been carried out.

• The network is certified and backed by a MOLEX manufacturer's warranty for a period of 25 years.

A special feature of the project is the use of PatchSee patch cords (intelligent switching cords) for crossing in 650 cabinets, which allow the PatchLight tool to instantly determine the position of the opposite end of the patch cord - the end of the cord begins to glow with a bright red light.

The SES project for telecommunication cabinets consisted of:

• Grounding of NetShelter SX AR3100 APC telecommunication cabinets.

• Power supply to telecommunication cabinets.

• Supply and installation of APC Metered Rack PDU ZeroU 2G Power Distribution Racks — 6 pcs.

Results and benefits of project implementation

VERNA specialists endured an intense work schedule and successfully completed the project. This allowed the Customer to reduce the fixed cost of rent, as well as improve the ergonomics of the workplaces of the staff.

Used equipment and software of partners

About the customer

The customer is one of the leading companies in Ukraine in the banking sector.

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