
Remote thermal control during transportation of temperature-critical goods using wireless technologies

The Verna company, together with the national ice cream producer, conducted a pilot project to implement a thermal control system during transportation.


About the project

The safety of products during transportation is an important task for manufacturers of food, medicine and other goods critical to temperature and humidity parameters.
In refrigerated cars in the packages along with the goods there are temperature GPRS sensors with autonomous power supply.

A specially developed software platform online monitors and stores all data fluctuations, transmits current parameters through mobile channels. If the temperature indicators deviate from those specified by the manufacturer, the notification system works through the mobile application and messengers.

Control of indicators allows you to regulate the temperature and humidity during the delivery of goods and promptly respond to problems arising in the operation of refrigerators, including unauthorized disconnection by drivers in order to save fuel.

During the pilot project, it was possible to detect violations of the temperature regime during the transportation of frozen products. The analysis of the data obtained helped to develop recommendations to avoid re-freezing of the product when entering supermarkets.

Temperature measurement range from -30 to +50ºC, relative humidity from 40 to 98%.
If the required temperature regime of transportation is violated, manufacturers lose up to 15% of rapidly deteriorating products. The implemented control system allows to insure participants in the logistics chain against material losses and violations of sanitary legislation.

Such telematic solutions are necessary for the transportation and storage of food, pharmaceutical products, non-food groups of goods requiring a strict temperature regime.

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