
Visitor Counting with Video Analytics and Sales Conversion

Visitor counter with video analytics is a technology that allows retail chains to understand the most visited days and hours of the store, determine peak load periods. It helps to plan the work schedule of staff and analyze the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns, allowing you to determine which activities attract more buyers.

Based on visitor count video analytics data, retailers know the average store check and point conversion. The administration can determine the salary amount and limit for each individual store. In addition, accounting is important for ensuring safety, controlling the number of people who are in the room at the same time.

How does the visitor counter work based on video analytics?

The system of intelligent visitor counting includes a video camera aimed at the entrance to the store, a server and specialized software that allows you to isolate visitors from the video stream of the camera at the entrance. The data is written to a database, displayed in a web application and can be integrated through the BI platform.

scheme of operation of the people counter using video analytics.

Neurovideo analytics allows you to track the movement, entry and exit of certain individuals and separate visitors from staff.

The accuracy of the counting of individuals in each of the groups configured with the software is important. Within one frame, several zones can be taken into account simultaneously.

An example of the visitor counting system

examples of the operation of the current visitor counter

Benefits of counting visitors using video analytics

Counting store visitors, which is performed using a video analytics system, provides more opportunities for detailed analysis and understanding of customer behavior.

It has a number of significant advantages over the standalone infrared barrier visitor counter.


The intelligent buyer counter with video analytics uses neural networks to analyze the video stream, which allows you to obtain much more accurate results when counting visitors.

It can distinguish people from different objects and perform it in real time.

Advanced People Counter

Counting buyers with video analytics can analyze additional parameters such as age, gender, and others, allowing retailers to collect more information about their customers.


The visitor counter with video analytics allows you to keep track of visitors in real time and understand how many people are in the store, since a large number of people in the room can be dangerous. During integration with the access control system, if the set maximum value is exceeded, you can configure the alarm to automatically block the entrance. This has been helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ease of integration

Installing and configuring people meter cameras can be less complicated compared to touch meters where an infrared barrier is used. Usually the stores already have a video surveillance system, and if it is aimed at the right angle for counting, then no installation work, line laying or additional power is required.

Analysis of buyer behavior

A neurovideo analytics system can track how customers move in a store, have they entered or exited, how shoppers interact with products and departments. It still helps in improving the placement of goods and holding promotions.

By analyzing the statistics of visits, it is possible to plan and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing companies in attracting customers. Counting visitors also helps to identify and exclude various factors and circumstances that negatively affect and reduce attendance.

An example of the visitor counter using video analytics

Retail objects that need a visitor counter

The people counter can be useful for different types of objects in retail: supermarkets and hypermarkets, clothing and footwear stores, shopping malls and commercial entertainment centers, electronics stores, restaurants and cafes, pharmacies and opticians, medical laboratories. The target object of neurocounting can vary significantly depending on the specific business and its needs.

Why video analytics from VERNA?

A comprehensive solution

We do such projects on a turnkey basis: we shoot a technical assignment and do an examination of the object, design, supply equipment, assemble and configure the system. After the system is implemented, our service department maintains the hardware and software.

Coverage - all of Ukraine

We have engineers working throughout Ukraine - our clients have the opportunity to order the implementation of the solution under one agreement with the same price, which is extremely convenient for retail chains.


We have 20 years of experience in the IT market of Ukraine. Our video analytics systems are implemented and already work in well-known retail chains.

Our customers for video analytics in retail

Our Video Analytics Partners

To create individual and comprehensive solutions for our customers, VERNA uses software complexes from video analytics system developers Vezha and Luxriot.

Vezha and Luxriot are modern video surveillance solutions that provide a large set of functions for analyzing video data. These products are technological and have a wide range of video analytics functions: face recognition, motion detection, visitor counting, traffic structure analysis, and others.

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