
Access control and control systems

VERNA designs and installs comprehensive security systems, a mandatory part of which are access control and control systems (SCU). We offer a ready-made system solution and carry out the design, supply of equipment, installation and configuration of the SCUs.

Today, access control and control systems are used everywhere: in banks, in industrial enterprises, in offices, supermarkets, in parking lots, in residential premises and other facilities.

Traditionally, an electronic access and access management system is considered to be a security tool. In fact, this is one of the most effective ways to prevent unwanted persons from entering the territory of the enterprise, but this is only one function of the SCU.

The main functions of access control and management systems include

The SCU allows or restricts the access of individuals to specific areas or premises based on established rules and restrictions. Records the facts of entry and exit of persons, stores this information for further analysis and creation of reports. Uses various identification methods, such as cards, biometrics (fingerprints, facial recognition), PIN codes, etc. Carries out fixation and accounting of employees' working time, monitors their punctuality and analyzes statistics.

The main capabilities of the access control and management system

• provision of pass-through and internal mode

• ensuring the safety of the work of employees

• protection of the premises of the object, property, equipment and other material values from unauthorized access and illegal actions

• accounting automation systems taking into account working time

• rational use of the wage fund - only for the time actually worked

• reduction of labor costs for keeping records of working time, personnel accounting and issuance of passes

When designing access control and control systems, VERNA engineers are also developing possibilities for its integration with other security systems. So, the SCU built into the security or fire alarm system allows you to unlock doors, turnstiles, electronic passages and more. We supply both autonomous access control systems and perform the integration of the SCU into the video surveillance system, which allows you to fully control the situation at the facilities. In the event of an emergency, such a security system quickly detects the violator.

Types of access control systems

The SCUD can be ordered in different types and configurations, adapted to the needs and tasks, with different keys: on cards, contactless biometric - with facial recognition or fingerprint. The choice of a specific type of SCU depends on the specific needs of the organization, the level of security, the size of the facility and the budget for the implementation of the system. Entrance to the territory or premises can be through a turnstile or electronic lock, which are controlled by the SCU. Access control can be autonomous or combined with other security systems. The SCUD can be outdoor or located indoors.

1. SCUD on cards or keys - cards with built-in chips or identifiers that can be scanned or read at a distance, magnetic cards, barcode cards.

2. Electronic access systems based on biometric data with fingerprint or facial recognition.

3. Electronic locks and access devices - code locks on doors, key devices for opening doors or passing through a checkpoint.

4. Integrated security management systems, such as access control and control system combined with video surveillance.

Biometric access control and control system

Biometric access control systems are the most popular due to their advanced technology and high level of security. Traditional methods of access control, such as passwords, can be circumvented through loss or theft. Biometric systems are difficult to fake, which reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Biometric data, such as fingerprints, facial recognition or iris scans, are unique to each person and make it difficult to access unauthorized access or counterfeit. Biometric data is always “with you”, which eliminates the problem of losing or forgetting passes or keys.

Using biometric data for authentication is a faster and more convenient process compared to traditional methods such as entering passwords, using cards and buttons.

Biometric electronic SCU can be ordered for use in various fields such as corporate offices, financial institutions, government agencies, hospitals, airports, shopping malls and shops, warehouses and logistics centers, enterprises and manufacturing, as well as in popular hotel access control and management systems.

Methods of biometric identification

• by fingerprint

• contactless by face - face recognition by facial geometry

• behind the venous mesh of the palm

• non-contact behind the iris or retina

Composition of biometric SCU

• Scanner/reader that captures biometric characteristics

• software that converts this data into digital form

• database in which templates are stored

• IR controller and executive device - lock, turnstile, barrier

Scheme of the system of control and control of access

Biosmart CUD Data Comparison Algorithm

During registration, the biometric data of the person is captured by the scanner. The software converts the image into a digital template and identifies specific data points that serve as comparison points. Comparison points are processed using special algorithms and converted into values that are compared with templates from the database.

According to the researches of specialists, a comparative assessment of biometric identification technologies available on the market was carried out.

The main parameters that characterize the security of biometric identification are the False Accept Rate (FAR), that is, the probability that the system identifies someone else's employee, and the false rejection rate (FRR - False Reject Rate), that is, the probability that the system does not identify its own employee. According to research data, it can be concluded that the most error-resistant is the method of scanning the venous mesh of the palm, but its connection cost is the highest.

At the moment, fingerprint identification and facial recognition technologies have become widely used, which are considered relatively safe and more affordable.

Why SCUD from VERNA?

Comprehensive ready-made solution

You can order a ready-made solution from us. We carry out the examination of the object and the technical assignment, design the system, supply the equipment, install and configure the system. After the system is implemented, our service department maintains the hardware and software.

We work - all of Ukraine

VERNA has engineers working throughout Ukraine. Our clients can order installation, configuration and implementation of solutions in any region of Ukraine. When concluding an agreement with us, the price and price will be the same for different regions, which is important for territorially distributed enterprises.


We have 20 years of experience in the market of system IT integration of Ukraine. Our SCUD systems are implemented and work in many companies, enterprises and networks.

Our customers SKUD

Our partners

In its projects, VERNA uses equipment and software from leading partners in the field of access control and control systems: CAM, ZKTeco, UPROx, ITV, Acuvox, Hikvision. The use of equipment and software from recognized partners guarantees high quality and compatibility with modern technological standards.

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