
Data processing and storage systems

Data processing and storage centers are a reliable comprehensive centralized system that provides automation of business processes with a high level of productivity and quality of services provided. VERNA specialists provide a full range of services in the construction of engineering data center systems.

Data center network infrastructure

The main advantages of the introduction of modern data center network infrastructure:

• Ensuring the reliability of connections with servers and storage systems.

• Provide scalability and flexibility as computing power increases.

• Simplify integration with other network infrastructure modules.

Server Farm design is based on a multi-level approach, which is key when building a data center network infrastructure, and can be divided into three main levels: core, aggregation and access.

Data center core levelprovides high-speed packet switching for all data streams leaving the data center, connects to aggregation modules and provides reliable routing using dynamic routing protocols, and provides high-speed traffic transfer between enterprise LAN core and data center aggregation level.

Aggregation levelprovides service module integration, Layer 2 domain termination and default gateway backup. At this level, services such as internetwork screen and server load balancing can function to optimize and protect applications.

Data center access levelconsists of modular switches of fixed configuration in 1 or 2 units.

Typical switches used in the data center infrastructure meet the following requirements:

• 2nd and 3rd level switches.

• Availability of 1/10-Gigabit ports without oversubscription, with copper or optical connections.

• Virtualization or stacking capability to organize reliable connections.

• Power backup.

The choice of a network solution for the data center is influenced by the current and future services that will function in the data center, server and VSD equipment, its integration into the future network infrastructure, the required level of service - reservation, reliability and security level requirements.

Monitoring and notification systems in the data center

VERNA specializes in the design and construction of multi-level environmental parameter monitoring systems for data centers.

Stages of construction of the monitoring system by VERNA:

• determination of environmental parameters in the data center, the change of which within certain limits or at a certain speed is critical for the operation of the Customer's IT systems and business processes. For example, smoke (fire), water leakage, a sharp increase in temperature when the air conditioning and cooling system is stopped, power supply is stopped, and so on;

• definition of algorithms for notification and warning of on-duty personnel responsible for the operation of the data center. For example, a notification about a problem can be implemented in various forms: from a simple panel with sound and light signals to sending e-mail by instant messengers or SMS to pre-specified addressees;

• design of solutions, selection of equipment and software, determination of the location of equipment, sensors, etc.;

• installation, calibration, test tests and commissioning;

• support and service.

VERNA engineers are certified according to data center monitoring and security solutions and perform all stages of the creation of monitoring systems: drawing up and agreeing with the customer a technical specification, design, delivery, installation, calibration, commissioning of the monitoring system and subsequent support.

Workstation Virtualization

VERNA offers workstation virtualization solutions based on the principle of VDI, which is to deliver the information system to a remote client regardless of the hardware and software architecture of the user environment. Most implementations of this technology are based on storing virtualized workstations on a remote server. Thus, all user applications and information are executed and stored centrally on a dedicated server. This allows you to centrally manage the system, and users to work on the principle of a thin client using a variety of devices.

Virtualization of server infrastructure.

Virtualization is one of the most promising and effective approaches to optimizing IT infrastructure in the face of increasing demands on computing resources. Virtualization technology is capable of providing each virtual server with physical server resources and distributing these resources between virtual servers depending on their needs. Each virtual machine works with its own, independent operating system and software suite. Thus, on a single hardware platform, it is possible to provide independent simultaneous operation of many virtual servers.

A virtual infrastructure can consist of various components: virtual machines, a hypervisor, management software, additional software components, and hardware.

A hypervisor is a program or hardware circuit that is responsible for providing and distributing physical resources to virtual servers, their isolation, protection and security.


Server consolidation reduces not only hardware costs, but also saves money on infrastructure management and maintenance. Using fewer physical servers helps reduce power, air conditioning and accommodation costs.

Ensuring reliability and safety.

The virtualization environment allows you to create solutions that provide the necessary level of reliability and security. With the help of a wide range of available software components, it is possible to create infrastructures built on the basis of high-availability clusters, using fail-resistance tools that provide isolation of hazardous environments, allow the use of backup and recovery tools.

Improving efficiency.

Rational and efficient use of resources by sharing hardware. Ability to manage the provision of resources.

Optimization of applications.

Flexible configuration when creating hardware configurations of virtual machines. Ability to organize virtual machines into logical containers for specific applications. High controllability and mobility of virtual machines.

Scalability of opportunities.

Implementation of new services does not require the allocation of individual physical servers. The use of server consolidation allows you to rationally increase production capacity depending on the needs.

Flexible management capabilities.

Centralized management tools, extensive automation capabilities make it possible to serve the IT infrastructure as a single whole, which simplifies the work of IT personnel. Simplification of administrative tasks thanks to hypervisor tools and the absence of a large number of different hardware configurations.

All in all, virtualization is a powerful tool for optimizing and improving IT infrastructure. It enables efficiency, reliability, efficiency and management flexibility that helps companies succeed in today's digital world.

Thin clients

Thin client - a device or software, the principle of operation of which is based on the transfer of computational functions and tasks for processing information to a specially dedicated server that is used for these tasks. This is achieved by connecting to servers remotely using terminal access technologies or VDI.

This allows you to simplify the architecture of thin clients and thus obtain the following benefits:

• Higher reliability. Fewer points of failure due to simplified architecture.

• Easy setup, maintenance and administration. Unified environment, settings, availability of various management software, centralized storage of user data.

• Improved security. Centralized storage of data on special secure servers, flexible configuration of security policies.

• Budget savings. Reducing the total cost of the solution due to operating costs.

The main ways to organize infrastructure using thin clients are the use of terminal access and VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). With terminal access, all computing work is performed on the terminal server, while the local terminal device performs KVM functions (Keyboard - Video - Mouse). The thin client in this case transmits commands from the local device to the terminal server and transfers the video image from the terminal server to the local device.

Data Backup and Restore

Data is the main, integral part of information technology. Regulated, organized, correct information management is the key to the effective work of the IT infrastructure and the enterprise as a whole.

The purpose of the backup:

• Disaster recovery. Restoration of all or a significant part of the IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster;

• Operational backup. Recovery of deleted or damaged data up to a certain point in time through surgical intervention;

• long-term storage. Backup for long-term storage. Performed to comply with established norms and laws in the field of information storage;

• hardware failure;

• software failure.

Backups can be deployed using the following basic methods, depending on the load and capability of the backup source system:

• Hot Backup - a method where data can be used by applications during backup.

• Cold Backup - a method when an application is inactive during a backup. Backup and Restore Technology Architecture.

The typical architecture is built on the client-server model and consists of the following main components:

• Backup Client - a component responsible for collecting data to be backed up, transferring data to a storage node (Storagenode) and extracting data during recovery. It is also responsible for transferring metadata (service information) about files to the backup server (Backup Server).

• Backup Server is the main management component responsible for managing and maintaining backup and restore operations. Backup Server stores configuration information (supported clients, device information, backup procedure schedule, etc.), manages backup tracking.

• Storage node (Storagenode) - is responsible for organizing the information received from the Backup Client and recording the data on the backup device. The storage node can control multiple backup devices. It also transmits metadata (service information) about a set of saved data (saveset) to Backup Server.

These are the main components of the architecture of backup and recovery technologies built on a client-server model.

Data storage systems

VERNA offers services for the design and implementation of data storage systems. These systems allow you to reliably store and work with data efficiently.

A data storage system (SSD) covers the following aspects of IT infrastructure:

• provision of requested information;

• provision of necessary resources for processing and storage;

• secure access when using resources;

• prevent data loss.

To date, the need to scale and use more complex modern technologies has influenced the tasks of data storage, among which we can highlight:

• the average annual growth of data is approximately 50-70%;

• use of consolidation and automated management;

• ensuring the security of protection and recovery of information;

• ease and speed of scaling the system.

Advantages of using SZD:

• connection of servers and storage devices of different manufacturers;

• Shared storage of data in heterogeneous environments;

• High speed access through the use of high-speed communication channels and Fibre Channel protocol for data exchange;

• reduction of the total cost of ownership and maintenance by consolidating disk resources;

• high readiness and availability of data, ensured by the reliability of the equipment used, the necessary reserve of its components and the possibility of maintenance in the “hot” mode (without stopping the operation of applications);

• reduction of downtime;

• scalability of the system, expansion of its functionality through the use of new technologies and storage devices;

• centralized management of the data storage system;

• efficient use of the area of the compute center, removing tight restrictions on the distance between SAN (Storage Area Network) components.

VERNA offers a full range of services, including consulting, designing, implementing and supporting data backup and recovery solutions. We are committed to providing our customers with reliable and efficient solutions that meet their needs and help ensure the security and integrity of their data.

We use the hardware and software of our partners

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